
  • Let the Trump Veep Auditions Begin

    Hosted by Michelle Cottle, Ross Douthat, Carlos Lozada and Lydia Polgreen Listen to and follow ‘Matter of Opinion’Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube Donald Trump is searching for a running mate, and his list of potential candidates is ...

  • The Unwanted Shelter Dog Who Found His Way to Westminster

    A strange thing happened a few years ago when Christine Longnecker, who teaches horseback riding in and around Erie County, Pa., brought her new rescue dog, Miles, to a class. Instead of waiting quietly with the other non-horses in the barn, Miles ...

  • What’s More Fun Than Poking Fun at Fashion?

    A jewelry brand’s ad campaign has generated buzz for skewering the industry in videos featuring models, editors and, now, Susan Sarandon.

  • The Chevy Malibu Was So Uncool It Was Cool

    An unassuming car had a surprisingly large cultural footprint.

  • She Wanted to Help Strangers. Would They Take Her Up on It?

    Bianca Giaever wasn’t feeling very helpful in her daily life, so she tried to do small favors for passers-by in Union Square. It got complicated.

  • How to Create a Society That Prizes Decency

    In 2020 Joe Biden ran on the theme of saving the soul of America. Once he was president, he used the power of his office to help direct hundreds of billions of dollars through the infrastructure law and the CHIPS Act to the people and places that had ...

  • Give Me Laundry Liberty or Give Me Death!

    MAGA Republicans say that America is in crisis: The economy is collapsing while the nation is being overrun by hordes of violent immigrants. Not true. But if that’s what you believe, you should be laser-focused on fighting the clear and present ...

  • President Biden’s Biggest Blunder

    In announcing that the United States will pause delivery of 3,500 bombs to Israel, President Biden has the laudable motive of wanting to spare innocent Palestinians from the military consequences of Hamas using Rafah as its last stronghold in Gaza ...

  • In Sex Crimes Cases, New York Weighs Allowing Evidence of Prior Bad Acts

    The overturning of Harvey Weinstein’s conviction has prompted New York lawmakers to introduce bills that would allow prosecutors to bring up a defendant’s past in sex crimes cases.

  • Paging Senator Schumer …

    What is antisemitism? It’s easy to think of a colloquial definition — hatred and bigotry directed against Jews — but it’s much harder than you might think to define it legally. It doesn’t fit neatly into existing federal anti-discrimination law. This ...

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