
  • Scarlett Johansson Shares Her Beauty Regimen

    Plus: a new hotel in Oxford, England, door knobs with personality and more recommendations.

  • How a Mechanical Songbird Takes Flight

    These days, most special effects are created on computers. But in the 18th and 19th centuries, the automaton — an intricate mechanical device that could take the form of a preening silver swan or an organ-playing doll — was a popular source of ...

  • In Mexico, a House That Returns to the Well

    This article is part of our Design special section about water as a source of creativity. Years of abnormally low rainfall, higher-than-normal temperatures and aging infrastructure have led to a dangerously low water supply for Mexico City. The issue ...

  • The C.E.O.s Who Just Won’t Quit

    In September 2013, in a darkened auditorium, Microsoft’s chief executive, Steve Ballmer, faced a roaring crowd of his employees. “You work for the greatest company in the world,” he bellowed. “Soak it in!” Ballmer was known for his exuberance. He had ...

  • A Plan to Help Harlem Students Build Wealth: Start Them Off With $10,000

    The Harlem Children’s Zone is investing millions of dollars to create savings plans for students in its charter schools and, eventually, nationwide.

  • How Vision Zero Made New Yorkers Safer and Saved Money

    A study found that over a five-year period, the program reduced traffic injuries by 30 percent and cut Medicaid costs.

  • The Part of the Kristi Noem Saga That I Can’t Shake

    Americans like feeling as though they know their political leaders personally. And yet I think many of us now feel we know a little too much about Kristi Noem, one of the more aggressive contestants in the MAGA pageant to be Donald Trump’s running ...

  • What Kind of Husband Behaves Like Donald Trump?

    Donald Trump sat silent, stone-faced and staring straight ahead as he listened to the intimate details in Stormy Daniels’s testimony on Tuesday, closing his eyes at times in an apparent attempt to maintain his composure. But there was one moment when ...

  • The Case for Hope

    Mr. Kristof is the author of a new memoir, “Chasing Hope: A Reporter’s Life,” from which this essay is adapted. More than three-quarters of Americans say the United States is headed in the wrong direction. This year, for the first time, America ...

  • When the Alternative to Foster Care Is an Unsafe Home, There Is Only One Right Choice

    In February of 2023, Phoenix Castro was born in San Jose, Calif., suffering from neonatal opioid withdrawal after being exposed to fentanyl and methamphetamine in her mother’s womb. Her mother was sent to jail and then ended up at a drug treatment ...

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