
  • Newyork

    Robert Putnam Knows Why You’re Lonely

    More than two decades ago, Robert Putnam became something rare: a celebrity academic. In 2000, he published a groundbreaking book, “Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,” in which he demonstrated, with copious data, that ...

  • Newyork

    America Is Still Having a ‘Vibecession’

    If Donald Trump wins the election, the main reason will surely be that a majority of voters believe that America’s economy is in bad shape. And no matter how much you may dread a second Trump administration, electoral defeat for an incumbent who is ...

  • Newyork

    Baseball Is Designed to Break Your Heart

    The familiar emptiness hit me in the pit of my stomach. For the second time in five years my beloved 49ers had blown a 10-point lead to the Kansas City Chiefs and lost the Super Bowl. As soon as the game was over I turned away from the screen ...

  • Books

    For Kate Christensen, Bad Prose Can Never Yield a Great Book

    What books are on your night stand? I’m living temporarily in a rented house in Iowa City, teaching at the Writers’ Workshop. When I arrived there was not one book in the entire place, so I made an emergency trip to the local used-book store ...

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