The Politics Behind Trump and Biden’s Dueling Border Stops
In separate events along the border in Texas on Thursday, President Biden and Donald Trump will present contrasting goals, and clashing messages.
Arab American Fury Toward Biden
On Monday, at a hip Arab coffee shop in Dearborn, Mich., Nihad Awad, a co-founder and the national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, told me that as a Palestinian American Muslim who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 ...
After 4 Months of War, Biden and Netanyahu Are on Different Timetables
The divergent goals of President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are playing out as negotiators try to reach a hostage deal.
What to Watch for in Michigan’s Primaries
A protest vote against President Biden’s policies on Israel will show the extent of Democratic divisions, while Donald Trump is favored to win again as Nikki Haley presses on.
An Emboldened F.T.C. Bolsters Biden’s Efforts to Address Inflation
With few unilateral options and little hope of legislation from Congress, the president’s early investment in competition policy could pay a political dividend.
A Biden Ally Wades Into the Divide Over Gaza and Emerges With a Warning
After days of meetings with disaffected Democrats in Michigan, Representative Ro Khanna says President Biden cannot win the state without changes to his Middle East policy.
The War in Gaza Turned This Longtime Michigan Democrat Against Biden
Tucked down in Terry Ahwal’s basement is her personal wall of fame: Here she is at the Obama White House Christmas party. Here is a framed thank-you note from President Bill Clinton. There she is grinning alongside Jennifer Granholm, the former ...
Ignoring Warnings, G.O.P. Trumpeted Now-Discredited Allegation Against Biden
Republicans in Congress built their impeachment case against President Biden around a bribery accusation that the F.B.I. had warned them was uncorroborated.
Biden Tries to Flip the Politics of Immigration
The president has made a point of calling out Republicans for tanking the border restrictions they have demanded for years.
A Biden Accuser Was Discredited. Right-Wing Media Is Undeterred.
Revelations that Alexander Smirnov, an F.B.I. informant, was a serial fabulist were downplayed on air and online by those who continued to insist the president should be impeached.