Why the N.Y. Fire Dept. Canceled Its Black History Month Celebration
A documentary screening about the city’s first Black fire commissioner was scrapped after his family objected to the film’s exclusion of a Black firefighter group.
Tommy Orange’s ‘There There’ Sequel Is a Towering Achievement
“Wandering Stars” considers the fallout of colonization and the forced assimilation of Native Americans.
Trump Says His Indictments Are Helping Him Attract Black Voters
In a speech to the Black Conservative Federation, former President Donald J. Trump made express overtures to Black voters, whom he and his campaign are eager to win over.
Ray Francis, Celebrating Blackness
A founder of the Kamoinge Workshop, he made lush, powerful photos that document and honor members of the African diaspora.
Why Black Democrats Are Unlikely to Aid Haley in South Carolina
Nikki Haley could use crossover support in her fight against Donald Trump, but she has alienated the Black voters who are central to the state’s Democratic voting base.
The Met Aims to Get Harlem Right, the Second Time Around
Notoriously, in the winter of 1969 the Metropolitan Museum of Art opened its first exhibition devoted to African American culture, but with a show devoid of art. Called “Harlem on My Mind: Cultural Capital of Black America, 1900—1968,” it was a ...
Charles V. Hamilton, an Apostle of ‘Black Power,’ Dies at 94
He popularized the term “institutional racism" and, with Stokely Carmichael, wrote a book in 1967 that was seen as a radical manifesto.
Prominent Black Church Leaders Call for End of U.S. Aid to Israel
The African African Methodist Episcopal Church Bishops Council says American financial assistance to help Israel fight its war in Gaza supports “mass genocide.”
‘No Beginners Allowed’: A Midwestern Paradise for Skiers Who Dare
On Michigan’s remote Upper Peninsula: bottomless powder and nostalgic chairlifts that deliver expert skiers and snowboarders to an ungroomed landscape of snow and more snow.
‘No Beginners Allowed’: A Midwestern Paradise for Skiers Who Dare
On Michigan’s remote Upper Peninsula: bottomless powder and nostalgic chairlifts that deliver expert skiers and snowboarders to an ungroomed landscape of snow and more snow.