One Day With an Ambulance in Britain: Long Waits, Rising Frustration
Britain is experiencing a crisis in ambulance response times, part of a broader breakdown in the country’s revered National Health Service. We rode with one crew to witness the problems in real time.
Military Plans New $435 Million Health Facility at Guantánamo Bay
The plan to replace the base hospital envisions a prison still in operation at the base and reduced health care for residents, but no enhanced care for aging war prisoners.
A Brooklyn Hospital Network Battles a Cyberattack
For nearly two months, medical professionals have been using pen and paper as experts work to get the facilities fully back online.
Anthony Fauci: A Message to the Next Generation of Scientists
Although I hesitate to use the hackneyed expression “It seems like just yesterday,” it does feel that way as I prepare to leave the National Institutes of Health after over five decades. As I look back at my career, I see lessons that may be useful ...
I’m an N.Y.C. Paramedic. I’ve Never Witnessed a Mental Health Crisis Like This One.
There are New Yorkers who rant on street corners and slump on sidewalks beside overloaded pushcarts. They can be friendly or angry or distrustful. To me and my colleagues, they’re patients. I’m a lieutenant paramedic with the Fire Department’s Bureau ...
I’m Having an Operation to Lose Weight. Do I Have to Tell People?
Early next year, I will have bariatric surgery. My surgeon has told me that my initial weight loss will be significant and very noticeable. What is my obligation to share the reason for my future weight loss with people outside my family and close ...
What Does the New Congress Mean for Family Policy?
Now that the dust has (nearly) settled on the 2022 midterm elections and Republicans are preparing to take control of the House while Democrats ...
Flu and R.S.V. Hit the Holidays, Heightening Demand for Antibiotics and Antivirals
Amoxicillin, an antibiotic commonly prescribed for children with ear infections, bronchitis and strep throat, is in short supply across the ...
What if You Could Go to the Hospital … at Home?
Late last month, Raymond Johnson, 83, began feeling short of breath. “It was difficult just getting around,” he recently recalled by phone from ...