Trump’s Next Supreme Court Picks Would Be So Much Worse
If Donald Trump wins the White House this fall and has a chance to appoint a Supreme Court justice or two in the years that follow — by no means a certain prospect, but one that must be contemplated — his nominees are likely to be quite different ...
MAGA Is Not Getting Everything It Wants From the Supreme Court
If you really want to understand the conservative-dominated Supreme Court, it’s important to realize that all the Republican nominees who sit on it formed their legal philosophy and forged their legal reputations long before Donald Trump was elected ...
Supreme Court Upholds Trump-Era Tax Provision
The tax dispute, which was closely watched by experts, involved a one-time foreign income tax, but many saw it as a broader challenge to pre-emptively block Congress from passing a wealth tax.
How John Roberts Lost His Court
A self-described documentary filmmaker, trolling a gala dinner for a gotcha moment by engaging Supreme Court justices in conversation and surreptitiously recording their words, arguably scored with Justice Samuel Alito when he told her he shared ...
Supreme Court Rules Against Migrants in Dispute Over Deportation Hearing Notices
A majority of the justices found that the government had fulfilled its duty to tell immigrants about their court dates, even when the information was incomplete.
Thomas Took Additional Trips on Harlan Crow’s Private Jet, Documents Show
A congressional committee released documents showing that Justice Clarence Thomas had not disclosed three private jet trips paid for by the Texas billionaire Harlan Crow.
The Abortion Pill Stays Legal. But for How Long?
Rarely has a straightforward 9-0 decision at the Supreme Court felt as unsettling as it did on Thursday. The justices’ unanimous ruling, in F.D.A. v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, rejected a challenge to the most commonly used abortion pill, but ...
Supreme Court Rejects Bid to Trademark ‘Trump Too Small’
The decision was unanimous but fractured in rationale, with several justices objecting to the majority’s use of a history-based test.
Ethics Questions Raised by Secret Recordings of Justices
Readers discuss a woman’s conversations with Justice Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts under false pretenses.
In Taped Remarks at Supreme Court Gala, Revealing Glimpses of Roberts and Alito
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., once close allies, have embraced starkly different conceptions of the judicial role.