Does Social Media Perpetuate Inequality?
For some people, social media is inconsequential — a cat photo here, a banana slip TikTok there. For others, it’s all-consuming — a helpless catapult into a slurry of anxiety, self-harm and depression. To each his own internet. Still, we can make ...
To Prepare Kids for the Future, Bring Back Shop and Home Ec
We’ve reached that lull in the school year when the excitement of Back to School has worn off and the reality of spending long stretches staring into the laptop and Smart Board has set in. Sitting still, glued to screens, for hours. Pandemic-era ...
Why I Love Doing Homework (Even If My Kids Hate It)
It’s an opportunity to walk alongside them as they commit to the work of learning.
Two-Thirds of Kids Struggle to Read, and We Know How to Fix It
A lovely aphorism holds that education isn’t the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. But too often, neither are pails filled nor fires lit. One of the most bearish statistics for the future of the United States is this: Two-thirds of fourth ...
Why the New Obesity Guidelines for Kids Terrify Me
This month, the American Academy of Pediatrics released its first comprehensive guidelines for evaluating and treating children and adolescents with obesity. The paper, co-written by 21 prominent doctors, health researchers and obesity experts ...
Trans Kids Deserve Private Lives Too
Last year, I interviewed Marci Bowers, president of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, for a piece I never ended up writing about youth gender transition. A trans woman, Bowers is a surgeon and a gynecologist who has both ...