
  • Newyork

    Is It Still Worth Going to the Movies?

    Until this summer I hadn’t been to the movies in more than 23 years. What I mean is, even though I had seen more movies in that time than just about anyone I know, it had always been for work, part of my job as a film critic for The Times. Even when ...

  • Books

    This Above All: My Undying Obsession With ‘Hamlet’

    For one critic, every encounter with this Shakespeare play deepens her understanding of its insights into grief, family and gender.

  • Newyork

    The Republican Meltdown Shows No Sign of Cooling Off

    Gail Collins: Bret, when we started our conversations, you generously agreed to stick to domestic issues. I’ve always steered away from commenting on foreign affairs because I have so very many colleagues who know so very much more about them than I ...

  • Newyork

    The A.D.H.D. Drug Shortage Is Causing Real Pain

    Edward Krumpotich, a drug policy consultant based in Minnesota, was diagnosed with severe attention deficit hyperactivity disorder at age 15 — but he didn’t get help for it until he was 37. In the interim years he suffered from methamphetamine ...

  • Newyork

    My Kind of October Surprise

    In Middle Tennessee, October is supposed to mean golden light and falling leaves and clear nights cool enough to make you spread a blanket across the foot of the bed in case the chill turns to genuine cold. October doesn’t normally bring an explosion ...

  • Books

    Diving Into ‘The Exorcist: Believer’

    We knew Ellen Burstyn would be back. But what else? A discussion of some of the spoiler moments in the new sequel to the 1973 horror classic.

  • Newyork

    Vicious Infighting Is No Longer a Luxury for Israelis

    Saturday will be remembered as one of the most devastating days in Israel’s history. The events were all too reminiscent of the attacks 50 years ago last week, on the morning of Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. That day, in October ...

  • US

    Fearing Third-Party Spoilers vs. Trump, Biden Allies Try to Squash Them

    With Democrats worried that a third-party bid could throw a tight race to Donald Trump, President Biden’s top aides have blessed a broad offensive to starve such efforts of cash and ballot access.

  • Newyork

    The Hidden Moral Injury of ‘OK Boomer’

    Mourners gathered around San Francisco City Hall this week to remember Senator Dianne Feinstein, one of the most formidable politicians of her generation. Her passing meant not just the end of her political career, but also the end of a furious ...

  • Newyork

    If You Want Our Countries to Address Climate Change, First Pause Our Debts

    When poor countries are forced to default on their foreign debt, as Ghana and Zambia have done, they pay a heavy price. Cut off from credit of any kind, spending on health, education and dealing with the damaging effects of climate change comes to a ...

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