Eugene Levy’s Toronto
As you might guess from the title of Eugene Levy’s latest series — “The Reluctant Traveler” — he’s a guy who’s happy to stay put. The show, now in its second season on Apple TV, follows Mr. Levy, a 77-year-old comedy legend known for his roles in ...
Help! Air Canada Ruined Our Trip to Ireland but Won’t Take the Blame.
A Minnesota couple’s vacation fell apart after a jet bridge accident and a code-share snafu led to two nights of failed connections.
Peter Nygard, Former Fashion Mogul, Convicted of Sexual Assault
The verdict in Toronto concludes the first of Mr. Nygard’s criminal trials in Canada. The 82-year-old also faces charges in the United States.
Women Testify That Fashion Mogul Lured Them to ‘Sordid’ Bedroom
Five women accusing Peter Nygard of sexual assault completed their testimonies this week as prosecutors prepare to close their case in Toronto.
Visit to Fashion Mogul’s Office Ended in Rape, Woman Testifies
The woman told a Toronto jury that Peter Nygard sexually assaulted her when she was 28, and she was the first of five accusers to appear in court in what is expected to be a seven-week trial.
A Withering Assessment of a Multibillion-Dollar Real Estate Windfall
Ontario’s auditor general found that the process to open up land in Toronto’s Greenbelt was influenced by and favored two developers.
Toronto Mayor Resigns After Admitting to Relationship With Employee
The mayor, John Tory, who had led the city since 2014, apologized for what he called a serious error in judgment.
‘It’s Our Central Park’: Uproar Rises Over Location of New Toronto Homes
A plan to build 50,000 homes in a protected green space surrounding Toronto has led to strident opposition and debate over where to house a projected influx of immigrants in the coming years.